Allah-U's Precognitive Gambling Training

An Overview of our Gambling
Training with Respect to my Personal History as The World Authority on
Telepathy, Precognition and Prophesy
My Background in Regard to Psychic Phenomenon/Techniques,
Magicians/Skeptics, Learning Theory, Experimental Design and the Statistical
Parapsychological Analysis of Fred Blau
Some Family History - My fraternal grandmother, Katherine
Murray, died a few years before I was born yet had a profound effect upon on my
destiny - perhaps the least of which being that my parents accordingly gave me a
Celtic first and middle name in accord with her minority Irish bloodline as the
sole descendent of the British Isles. Though I never knew Kate, her greatest
legacy was hued by well-worn stories of her psychic abilities in regard to
her children's, as well as her own, death. For example, I had an uncle who
died by throwing himself on a hand-grenade to save his comrades in the trenches
of Europe during WWI. Though the family of course wasn't formally notified for
some time, Kate caringly informed them of his heroic death well before any
telegram arrived. Likewise, another son died as he was drug down trying to save
some girlfriends who couldn't swim when their sailboat overturned on a trip to
Lake Erie. And though this was nearer to home, again Kate informed the family of
my other young uncle's death prior to receiving any official notification. Yet
likely the most eerie, and true, 'ghost story' was confirmed by everyone in my
family and involved the knowledge of her own death. Now, though her best friend had
died a few days earlier while she was cogently laying in the (same) hospital
(where I was later born), our family in LA spared her this sad info up unto on
their last visit. Whereupon Kate asked those present if they'd sent flowers to
her good friends funeral, and went on to inform them that this lady had come to her previously and told her they would be reunited the following
day. Which was objectively confirmed as she died the day after that
last visit.
Now, another type of rather pertinent
stories I heard as a child involved my mother's best male childhood friend, Maurice Lenzer,
who went on to be regarded as a least one of the best slight of hand artists or
card magicians of his (and Houdini's) era. (Yet I couldn't find any mention of
ML on the web without paying someone for the birth or school records in my mom's
hometown ,or my cousin to drive there to research it for me. Which is a moot
point in the sense that my mom's best childhood girlfriend later gave birth
to Hall of Fame base-ball player and longtime Phillies announcer, Richie Ashburn
- so if one looks at any of his b-ball cards you'll find the common hometown of
my omother ther, Maurice and of course Ritchie.) For example, if Maurice
shuffled a fresh unmarked deck of cards three times before he made the final
cut, he could easily deal God's above artists rendition of 'Him' in a
tux (loosely based on the famous image from the Sistine Chapel), who had just
turned over that unbeatable royal high straight flush after betting our whole
little world on the outcome. Or perhaps even more impressively, ML could just as well deal a potentially winning
hand to four of, say six, players at the table if requested, as long as they of
course first agree to divvy up the possible hands in an unambiguously honest
fashion - where, say, four of the players might request being respectively dealt four 9s, 8s,
7s and sixes in addition to a single possible dead card of choice, each hand of which
would then individually beat that full house of 3 aces and 2 kings held by Zeus,
as pictured on the left of the above image ironically titled "Playing God."
Which is in one sense is also akin to a completely random shuffle determined as if by a
'highly indifferent God,' yet in a more immediate sense is just a slight of hand
trick where somebody like the dealer himself could make sure he was the
he eventually won everyone's stake assuming he was a dishonest 'card shark' that didn't let an indifferent
party play the role of the house. Meaning that Maurice of course was far too
ethical to tarnish his reputation as a master card magician Which didn't
mean he wouldn't play penny-anti poker with my folks and their friends when he
was visiting LA - meaning he never touched his cards till after the deck was
independently shuffled, cut and dealt by someone else who took the honest role
of a house seriously, and also handled the money and chips (which I inherited
sans any value as kept in a little bag stored in a cupboard in the den behind my
bedroom here). ..... still building page ......
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